Stinging Insects

The Perfect Solution for Stinging Insects in and Around Your Home

When stinging insects create a nuisance in and around your home, it’s important to have the right professionals on hand who can handle the situation with skill and thoroughness.

Whether you have wasps, bees, hornets, or any other type of stinging insect problem, Masterful Pest Management has the experience and expertise to safely and efficiently rid your property of the pests while taking steps to ensure they don't return in the future.

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Carpenter Bees

A carpenter bee is a large, black and yellow-striped bee that bores into wood in order to lay its eggs. The damage they can cause includes the tunneling of wooden structures resulting in structural weakening of the wood and increased likelihood of decay. This can be especially dangerous for families if the weakened wood is part of their home's foundation or other supporting structure. In addition, carpenter bees also pollinate plants and flowers, but some people may view their presence as a nuisance due to the loud buzzing sound they make when flying around.

Ground Bees

A ground bee is a type of solitary bee that lives in underground burrows. These bees are beneficial for pollination, but they can become pests if their burrows get too close to human dwellings. Ground bees can cause damage by tunneling or nesting near sidewalks or driveways, potentially causing them to become unstable. They can also damage lawns and gardens by creating unsightly holes and tunnels in the soil. If left unchecked, ground bees may also pose a risk to your family as their sting can be painful and even potentially dangerous if someone is allergic to their venom.


A bee is a flying insect that is typically seen as a beneficial species for pollinating plants and producing honey. Bees are typically harmless to humans unless provoked, but they can become a nuisance if they start to infest or build hives in the home. Keeping bees away from the home is important because they can cause structural damage to the building, transmit diseases, and potentially sting those living in the home.


The main difference between a bee and a wasp is their size and behavior. Bees are usually smaller than wasps, have more rounded bodies and tend to be more docile. Wasps have slimmer bodies and are typically more aggressive than bees. Additionally, bees produce honey while wasps do not. 

It is important for families to keep wasps away from their home because they can form large nests that can become a hazard to people living nearby. The aggressive behavior of some wasp species can also make them dangerous to humans if they feel threatened or their nest is disturbed.

Hornets Nests 

Hornets are a type of wasp that build paper-like nests in trees, shrubs, attics, and other places around the home. Their nests can become a nuisance as they can be dangerous if disturbed, and they also release pheromones which can attract more hornets to your property. Hornets can also damage gardens, buildings, and outdoor structures by chewing through wood or fabric as part of their nesting process. They may also sting people if provoked or threatened. Homeowners should take precautions to discourage hornets from building their nests on their property.

Exterminating Stinging Insects for a Better Home and Family Life

The extermination of stinging insects from our homes and properties can be an important step in keeping our families safe and comfortable. These insects, such as wasps, bees, hornets, and yellow jackets can cause pain and discomfort with their painful stings. In addition to the potential for physical harm, these pests can also carry diseases like West Nile virus and Lyme disease that can have serious consequences if transmitted to humans. By eliminating these insects from our homes and properties we can dramatically reduce the risk of injury or illness to our families. Furthermore, stinging insects often build nests in difficult-to-reach places like attics or chimneys that can cause damage over time if not removed properly by professionals with the right tools. Taking swift action to contact pest control experts will help ensure that your home and family remain safe from these pests.

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